Sunday, October 23, 2011

Lightning McQueen!!

So a little recap, James went to California for Blizzcon a gaming convention for 4 days. The kids and I ran Grandma's daycare for 3 days so she could make a quick trip to Kansas and finalize some things on her house back there. So to keep ourselves occupied Saturday the kids and I went to the Children's Museum of Denver to see Lightning McQueen, and his side kick Mator.

After 3 HOURS in line we finally got to take our pictures with the cars. Thank heaven our friends Kaleigh and Skyler where there to keep us company.


I am so proud of my babies. The whole 3 hours not a single meltdown. Jamie was a little whinny near the end, but that is to be expected when mommy forgot snacks and drinks. Rebecca enjoyed her Moby Wrap. She got to see what was going on, eat, and sleep in it while we waited. I learned our lesson though. We are not going to fight with 1,000 other people to see an event on the weekend for a VERY LONG time. I love being a stay at home mom and planning things when most people are working. Makes outings much more enjoyable for us. Next week is trick or treat week at the museum so we may venture back down for that.

James is on his way home today, and the kids and I are supper excited! We have missed him!

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