Friday, August 26, 2011


Forgive me if this is not all put together, but I have been up since 4:20.

Fist off Rebecca slept for 9 HOURS!!! Crazy right? She is only 10.5 weeks old. So why am I so tired? well here is the story...

I am a bridesmaid in my friends wedding this Saturday. So I needed to pack some of the things Rebecca and I will need over 2 days while we are in the mountains for the wedding. With Rebecca nursing to sleep at 7:30 p.m. and Jamie going down at 8:30 and finally going to sleep by 9:20 I stayed up packing and organizing till ablout 10:30. James gets home from a work meeting at about 11 (I'm a light sleeper so I heard him come in.) He gives me a kiss and since I was up he told me he was going out for a few hours with the guys. Jamie wakes up as the door shuts. I get him back to bed (recovering him and siting in the chair in his room for a few minutes as he falls back to sleep). I lay back down for a few hours. About 1 James gets home and Jamie wakes up again (he is a light sleeper like his mommy...not always a good thing.) We get Jamie back to sleep. About now I am expecting Rebecca to wake up to eat. She is out like a rock still. So I lay down waiting for her to wake and want to eat. The next thing I hear is Jack (my father in law who we live with) getting ready for work talking to Danin (James friend that lives in the basement bedroom, our night dweller). AND Jamie wakes up...By now it is 4:20. I go to Jamie cover him and sit in his room until I hear Rebecca starting to fuss. So I assure Jamie that I will come back and check on him after Rebecca eats. In the back of my mind I am hoping he will fall back asleep waiting for me. After I feed Rebecca (it is now 5) I hear a faint "mommy" from Jamie's room...we are up for the day. I get Jamie up and we sit and watch cartoons so that I can have a few minutes to gather as much energy as I can for the day.

Well, thanks for letting me rant. Now for the random part of all of this

  • Potty training is going slow. Jamie is far from interested in really trying, but boy does he love his jelly beans so we keep giving it a try.
  • Rebecca giggled the other day. It melted my heart.
  • We have something going on every weekend for the next 4 weeks. Not normal for our boring lives.
  • I miss our play groups that have seemed to die off since everyone has been busy this month.
  • James is looking into getting a new job. (prayers for guidance would be appreciated)
  • Our nursing problems have subsided, thankfully. We are still getting the hang of nursing in public since I never did that with Jamie.
And of course I can't leave you without pictures...

I am so thankful that her little smile gives me an energy boost.

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