Tuesday, July 5, 2011

4th and Family

Happy 4th of July!
It is one of my favorite holidays (next to Christmas). The fireworks are just beautiful, hanging out with great friend, staying up late but the sun is still out is just fun, and I like to make s’mores now that we have a fire pit table in the back yard (and have kids to enjoy it with me). Jamie was to little last year to really get into it, but this year he was a hoot!

Jamie LOVED roasting the marshmallows (with close supervision) but would not eat them at all.

He loved the chocolate on his s'more the most (can you tell? lol)

The cookies and iced tea that he helped himself to all night long was also very much enjoyed...he had like 5 cookies, can we say SUGAR HIGH! That's may be why he made it till 10 before going to bed. The fireworks were too loud in Jamie's opinion. He loved the lights but the sound was in his words "scary" lol. Next year maybe he will watch them and not cling to my shoulder the whole time.

After the 4th comes my grandpa Conrad’s birthday.

He is 77 this year and my Aunt Debi (his only daughter) came into town to celebrate with all of us (and to see her new little grand-niece;).

I love my Aunt Debi. She is one of those family members you never get to much of. She could only stay the weekend, but we made the most of it and can't wait till we get together again! We had so much fun I forgot to get any pictures of her and the kids. Oh well, the memories will live on in our hearts and minds.

Rebecca was a little overstimulated and wanted her space at Grandpa's party, but Jamie wanted to play with his sister. He really is a great big brother.

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