Monday, November 7, 2011


I have not been blessed with sound sleepers. Rebecca wakes to the creeks of the house unless I lay right there with her. Jamie fights and fights to not have to sleep and will only sleep for an hour at best during the day, and lately wakes often throughout the night.

I have been trying to get Jamie to bed earlier so that I can have some time without kids pestering me. So far it takes about 2 hours to get the kids to sleep at night, but we are getting there.

We recently went to the public library and got some good bed time stories to help in our bed time routine. We have done our new routine (starting at 6 p.m.) for 2 nights now. And I think it is working for us. We lay in my bed and read 5-6 books, then lights out while I nurse Rebecca to sleep, and then I rub Jamie's back or let him toss and turn on the bed till he falls asleep. I then later move him to his bed when it is my bed time. It is not stopping him form waking at night, but it is helping cut out the screaming about going to bed.

Here are my beautiful little sleeping angels.
Yes, Rebecca is a tummy sleeper. Has been since the day she came home from the hospital.

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