Tuesday, November 29, 2011

So much to say

I have so mush I want to blog about and no time to get it on here. So here we go...HOLD ON! lol

I made our Christmas stockings this year. I wanted the kids to have personalized ones as they grew up but did not want to spend $20+ on them so for about $10 I made both and they turned out SUPPER CUTE!! I hope they like them for years to come.

I could not leave the adults out so I made more classic stockings for me, James, and Jack.

I also made a matching tree skirt (I've been feeling crafty, can you tell, lol).

It turned out perfect! I love the feel of a home made Christmas.

I also cute my hair. I decided since it was so long that I would donate it to beautiful-lengths. What do you think?

Man I look tired, lol.

I love it. Less to worry about. Less to have to wash. Less to deal with.

Well that will cover it for now. I wanted to make a tutorial on the tree skirt and the stockings, but I did not have time. Happy Tuesday!

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

This year I am most thankful for my family.

My parents that gave me life (otherwise I would not be here, lol).
My grandparents that did what they thought was best and raised me and my sister.
James for loving me and putting up with my craziness.
My little boy, Jamie, and even though he drives me nuts I would not know what to do without him.
My baby girl, Rebecca. She is such a joy. Always happy and ready to brighten someones day.
My FIL and his big heart.
My older sister and her husband.
My little sisters, even though I don't get to see or talk to them much.

Here is Jamie helping Daddy pick up leaves...or maybe just having fun :)

I AM SO THANKFUL! and very Blessed!!

What are you thankful for?

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Big Brother LOVE!

Jamie is so in love with his sister that it makes my heart melt. He is always wanting her to talk to him and to hold her and just always in her face. It gets to be a little overwhelming for her some times and I have to make him back off. Or I will just get her to sleep and Jamie goes and wakes her up becasue he wants to play. He always wants her involved in everything he is doing.

Yes, he drives me nuts always bugging Rebecca because that gives me less time before she is done with one activity and needs my attention.

We are also getting closer to crawling! Rebecca now scoots from side to side, front to back, and rolls from her back to her tummy and form tummy to back again. she has not figured out that this is a way of mobility though so she stays in a general location. She is also a pro at banging her head on the floor. Not entirely on purpose. She will be trying to scoot forward and not realize that she is off her nice soft play mat and BONK her head on the hard wood floor.

 Just love that drooly face!
If we don't have teeth before Christmas I will be very surprised.

Monday, November 14, 2011


I have been a bad blogger. I have been consumed with kids, house, working at my Grandma's, and making bows. On top of that James has been sick with a cold (or something like it) for a week. With his store in transition from his old manager leaving, and the now one not able to start yet, he has had to take over the roll. Why they did not Just make him manager is a long story, but to sum it up: James has not been properly trained for the position by he's previous manager. SO, with all that going on this week I have not had my few minutes every now and then to post.

I have been a good mommy and still take LOTS of pictures. :) It is a good thing I have a good camera on my phone because that is the easiest way to get pictures of my little guys. I always have my phone on me.

Lets see...OH! we all so got a new roof put on the house. The old one was damaged by hail we have had the last few summers so insurance paid for it all. We find out by Tuesday if we get new gutter paid by insurance too. :)

Jamie looks like a boxer this week. He was playing on my bed and dove to catch a soft football and hit the windowsill (our bed is up against 2 the walls). His whole right eyelid is black and blue. I am just thankful he did not brake anything or get a concussion.

Rebecca is happy as ever. She is drooling and chewing on everything. I would not be surprised if we have teeth within the month. OH! She is also 5 months old now! Where has the time gone? She is wearing 9-12 month cloths already. If that gives you any idea of how chunky she is (she is SUPER CHUNKY!).

I think that wraps up our highlights of the week.

I just can't get enough of that happy girl!  :)

Monday, November 7, 2011


I have not been blessed with sound sleepers. Rebecca wakes to the creeks of the house unless I lay right there with her. Jamie fights and fights to not have to sleep and will only sleep for an hour at best during the day, and lately wakes often throughout the night.

I have been trying to get Jamie to bed earlier so that I can have some time without kids pestering me. So far it takes about 2 hours to get the kids to sleep at night, but we are getting there.

We recently went to the public library and got some good bed time stories to help in our bed time routine. We have done our new routine (starting at 6 p.m.) for 2 nights now. And I think it is working for us. We lay in my bed and read 5-6 books, then lights out while I nurse Rebecca to sleep, and then I rub Jamie's back or let him toss and turn on the bed till he falls asleep. I then later move him to his bed when it is my bed time. It is not stopping him form waking at night, but it is helping cut out the screaming about going to bed.

Here are my beautiful little sleeping angels.
Yes, Rebecca is a tummy sleeper. Has been since the day she came home from the hospital.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Fall Fest!

We went to a fall festival last night. I love them because they are a great way for the kids to play and dress up without being out in the cold going house to house. Jamie loved it! There was a bounce house and lots of candy.  Anyway the stars of this show where a little lady bug and Woody from "Toy Story"
 Jamie had a messy face because he just ate some candy.

My cuties! I just love watching them grow! Well we are off to the store to get some much needed food before we get more snow tomorrow.

OH and our pumpkin...

YEP! It's a snow-pumpkin lol.