Thursday, October 25, 2012

October snow

This one is for the out of state family. 
I think the pictures speak for themselves.

Here are some videos I got of my little bugs

What fun we had! And no snow day would be complete without a....

Well that is our snow day. Now off to make some lunch for hungry little mouths.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Time for improvements!

Finding time for anything lately has been difficult. Grandma is having a knee replacement on the 12th and we have been staying busy watching the daycare while she went to Dr appointments for pre-surgery things. As well as planing Jamie's 3rd birthday, getting things scheduled for travail to my cousins wedding in June, and starting the planing for Rebecca's 1st birthday. Keeping up with laundry and house hold cleaning takes up every little minute I can find these days. It doesn't help that we had the stomach flu a few weeks ago either.

Anyway, we have been able to accomplish a bit the last few days. We finally fixed the side gate to the back yard. We took down the old one last year because is was falling apart. It had to be fixed tho so Jamie can go out and play without me fearing he will end up in the front yard or ran over in the street. I am greatly looking forward to letting him play out side while I clean or do dishes.

Also the kids play set swing set was just delivered! Jamie is so excited to have it put together and play on it. I have a feeling we will be having lots of friends and cousins over this summer to play! I just hope we can have it assembled before Jamie's birthday party at the end of the month. With James only days off being Thursdays and Sundays, me working from the 12th on (until Grandma is back on her feet) Mondays to Fridays, and it being a 2 man job to assemble we will only have a few free days to get it done. Anyone good with instructions and tools want to come over and help?! :)

This is what it will look like when we are all done!
Cool huh?

Time is flying by! I can't believe that it is already time to plan my little mans 3rd birthday, and Rebecca's first birthday is only 6 weeks after that!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

9 Months

9 months ago my beautiful baby girl was born! It's crazy that she is already so grown so much. She has such a personality and her smile melts any bad mood. What a joy she is to have and I look forward to every day of learning and growing with her.

Rebecca napping after a long night of keeping mommy up.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Cousin Time

Just a cute video of Rebecca playing in her new crib (Jamie's old crib) and Jamie playing with his cousins A and A.
Sorry the quality is not so good. It was filmed on my phone.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Picture it Saturday

Here are a few pictures of the kids that I have on my phone (I always have it with me so I end up using it for the cute things the kids do when the big camera is not within reach).

These are from our Valentine's day lunch with Grandma and Grandpa Conrad and Jess and Gabe.

Jamie was a stinker and would not look at the camera.
 Both kids fell asleep before lunch was over.

Jamie said he was my knight in shining armor! <3

Jamie took this one with my phone of Rebecca eating puffs in the high chair. 

He is such a cutie even with a messy face all the time.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Cuttie Pies

I can't help but love how darn cute my kids are now and then. I especially love the infant stage Rebecca is in. There is so much innocence that I just can't take enough pictures of her to try and capture it all.

I am also happy to announce that we are all at the end of that nasty cold bug we had. We have the occasional runny nose or cough but back to normal otherwise. Unfortunately we had to miss the quick trip to Kansas to see my great grandma for her 90th birthday. It was not worth risking her or other family members getting this bug.

OH! and Rebecca has her 2nd tooth!! (that explains the crabby "don't leave me mommy" baby she has been the last few days.) Glads she is back to her happy self today.

 This is how Rebecca scoots around the house, lol.

Jamie is such a nut when I get out the camera.

Can you see her tooth? :)

Friday, February 3, 2012


The kids have been sick the past week. Not much has gotten done other then wiping noses and comforting unhappy kids. Even sick though my kids still have smiles for the camera.

Jamie had a bad black eye form falling on the step at the play place last week during play group. In case you where wondering what the discoloring was on he face by his right eye.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Catching up

Do you ever feel there is just to much on your plate? Or that you are constantly running around trying to catch up? 

It comes in spurts for me. I will have 2-3 weeks of NOTHING! no playgroup because everyone is busy, no working at grandma's because they are health (can't complain about healthy 70+ family :), no bow orders, not even a sewing project on the minds some times. AND THEN...I am needed everywhere.

I don't mine being busy, and I for sure don't mind helping out friends and family by watching kids so they can go to the Dr. I love playgroup and try my hardest not to miss the few times we are able to get together lately. I still get excited when I get a bow order, or see one of my friends girls with one in their hair. Oh, and I am planing my sisters baby shower in 7 weeks.

I love all the things on my plate. I just wish some times that they would not all be there at once so I could enjoy them a little longer. I feel like my brain never stops thinking about the next "to do".

Anyway, If you where wondering why my posts have been few and far between, that would sum it up. The kids and I are staying busy! Oh, and I started couponing. Not the huge stock pile "we are getting 100" type, but I am trying to get things for as close to free as I can in order to help save our one income family more money. So far I have gotten hand soap for $.08, men's shaving gel FREE, a swiffer 360 duster for $1.19, and some other deals on canned soups, snacks for Jamie, creamer for Jack. The deals are endless and it is really kind of fun to walk out of a store knowing I paid half (or more) of what other people are paying for that product.

Well, now to move on to the stars of my blog. The Kids!

Rebecca is 7 1/5 months old. She has one tooth, and is so excited to get to eat table food. She gags on normal baby food so I just give her crumbs of bread, or Cheerios, steamed carrots and squash, things like that. SHE LOVE IT! She wants everything that I put on my plate, but I won't let her have the over processed, salted, seasoned things yet. 

Jamie is no longer in diapers, rather he likes it or not. He wears one for nap and bed, but otherwise he is in underwear. He does good as long as I make him "try" every 1 1/2 to 2 hours. He is always dry after nap. He is also starting to get the hang of pooing in the potty. I think he is doing great for a kid that wants to still be in diapers because they are easier on him.

Here are some cute bath tub pictures of the kidos :)

 They love bath time!
 Making faces!
I love how you could draw a heart around this one! 

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Finding the time

We are still trying to recuperate from the holidays. The house is slowly getting back to normal and we are getting back in the groove of things.

To update you on what is new in our house here is a little recap.

  • Jamie is no longer in diapers. He is not always happy about sitting on the potty but after almost 2 weeks now he is hardly having an accidents any more. As long as I remember to make him sit and "try" every 2 hours.
  • Rebecca is 7 months old now. She sits unsupported, scoots around on her tummy and bum, and is trying to pull herself up on things to stand. She is also able to pick up puffs and cheerios and feed herself them. She also has her first tooth!
 No, he is not sick. He was laying down watching cartoons for "quiet time". He also still has ketchup on his face from lunch, lol.

 I just love her smile! She is always so happy! She is officially in 12 month + cloths at 7 months. She is my perfect little CHUNK, lol.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

2012 here we come!

Happy New Year!

So many good things came out of 2011, and 2012 is looking quite promising! here are a few things I hope to accomplish in 2012

  1. Lose some weight. I hope to lose 30 lbs over the whole year. I have to start eating right and being more active with the kids if I ever hope to be back to my pre-pregnancy weight. Who knows maybe I will do 5k. Hey, if my 70+ grandmother with a hip replacement and knee injections can do it I should be able to, right?
  2. Remodel 1 more room. I really would like to get 2 done but I am trying to be realistic. It takes money and we are only able to use income taxes on home improvements so it takes some time.
  3. Sew more. I have such inspirational friends that craft all the time. It also just makes you feel good about yourself when you have that finished product that looks store bought. I have to make and finish 2 quiet/busy books by June. We have a wedding the kids are in and are either flying or driving so we will need seated activities.
  4. Start attending church. I need to find one that works for my family. One that is close and focuses on fellowship. 
  5. save money buy couponing. Not the exctrem you see on TV. All though if I get to that point then my local food bank will be thriving. :)
Well I think that sums it up for now. Here are the last photos of the kids from 2011. Jamie was being shy, lol.